14 May, 2009

Some Photos from Piraeus Port Area

A few days ago I needed to go to Empoliki Bank and the nearest branch I could find was near the Port. It was a pain, as I walked all along not knowing exactly where it was, but there were a couple of gains.

First, I found another East Asian grocery shop.

Here probably I can find belacan (salted and fermented shrimp paste used for Malay cuisine) that I could not find in the other shop.

And very close to it, I found also Chinese-Philippini restaurant with Karaoke! Well, karaoke part does not interest me, but Philippini food is totally new to me. Need to pay it a visit, if I manage to convince Hubby.

I saw also a strange view as well.

Lots of empty medicine boxes.

They were Xanax and Remeron, both are depression drugs.

A sinister sight, isn't it?

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