05 April, 2009

Neradzi Blooming

About a week ago, neradzi flowers started to bloom.

The are so fragrant and you cannot but feeling the coming of spring whenever passed neradzi trees by.

Neradzi (Νεράτζι) is a kind of orange, but different from orange we eat as fruit, neradzi fruit is not enough sweet to be comestible on its own. The Greeks make glyko tou koutaliou (fruits/vegetables cooked in syrup). They also make orange flour water from neratzi flower.

The Iranians use the juice of neradzi in the same manner as we use lemon juice. In Japan we mix it with soy sauce and soup stock to make a sort of dressing. The Greeks evidently don't juice neradji juice as we do.

These are the flowers I found on the Peiraiki coast, where now is full of wild flowers.

And cherry blossom.

This flower for us Japanese is a symbol of spring.

It is now so pleasant to go out to admire these beautiful flowers and blossoms.

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