03 November, 2008

Gkazi, Athens

This summer, we visited Gkazi.

I have been to Keramikos site several times, but have been to Gkazi. With the completion of Keramikos metro station, this area is now much more convenient to visit.

Gkazi means 'gas' in Greek and this is why it is called Gas.

Gas tanks.

These do not contain gas any more, and at least one of them is used as radio station and the buildings around them are used for exhibitions, cultural event, beer hall, etc. (We were told by a guardsman not to take any photographs, but he could not tell us why.)

This is Keramikos metro station.

Still new and clean.

In Gkazi area, there are lots of restaurants, cafes and bars. This is one of them: Mamacas. I don't know how it is, as we did not eat here.

"Not here" does not mean in this restaurant, but in Gkazi. We had plan to stay here for some time, but everything looked too artificial, like newly constructed shopping complex. I was rather underwhelmed and called the day off.

When we were about to leave, dogs from one of these bars came after me barking. Dangerous.

It will take a couple of years for this place to grow into something interesting. I said good bye until then.

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